Student's School and Enrollment Information are critical so inspect the field values closely.
Enrollment Calendar - The system will use the default calendar. You can choose to associate the student to any academic calendar. The calendar will be used for attendance marking.
Rolling/Retention Option - This field is set to Next grade at current school by default assuming that the student will get promoted to the next grade level.
Section - If your school has many students and needs to group them into sections then use this field to assign a section to the student.
Estimated Graduation Date - This date can be used to determine the student's cohort.
There are several eligibility and accommodation switches that can be used as per requirements. The options are searchable also.
School - The student record from the general information will default to your school in the system. openSIS allows multiple school enrollment for students. Click on the +Add Enrollment Info to add an enrollment to a second school.
Sometimes a student is enrolled in a home school but also attends a secondary school for special courses. You can use this section to capture all enrollments.
Grade Level - Select the grade level the student is enrolled in the current school year.
Enrollment Date - This is the date when the system recognizes the student to be active in the school. Therefore make sure the date is correct, otherwise, the student will not be available for scheduling.
Enrollment Code - This code is customizable and you can do so from the Setting menu under Students >>Enrollment Codes.
Exit Date and Code - This information is often required for reporting purposes especially when a student drops out of school before graduation.
If a student is transferring out to a school that is within the system, you can put an exit code "Transfer Out" and select the new school. The student will automatically get enrolled in that school and the student's record will be available to that school's staff.
Additionally, as a student gets promoted from one grade to the next, the enrollment history will be displayed in this section.