How to manage school notices openSIS Student Information System

School Notices

Notices allow you to create a school notice that will be displayed on the Dashboard.

Menu >> School >> Notices

When you select the 'Current' tab on the top right corner you can see the current active notices listed below.

When you select the 'Upcoming' tab on the top right corner you can see the upcoming date's notices listed below.

When you select the 'Past' tab on the top right corner you can see the past date's notices listed below.

To start with creating a notice click on '+ Add Notice' and a popup notice setup page will appear.

Here you will need to add:
  1. Title of the notice.
  2. Body text of the notice. This section has a WYSIWYG editor, which allows you to insert external website links as well as color and format the body text.
  3. From and to dates - these dates let you control the visibility of a notice by date.
  4. Sorting order to your notice.
  5. Click on 'Visible to All School' if you want this to be visible for all schools within your account.

You can select 'Visible To Profile' from the options below to target a particular notice to a particular audience.

Click Submit to save the notice.

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