How to Get Data from Moodle into openSIS

How to Get Data from Moodle into openSIS

When schools implement openSIS after they have been using Moodle, that Moodle data needs to be synchronized into openSIS before starting transactions with the integrated products. 

openSIS provides seamless integration with Moodle, enabling schools to retrieve essential data, such as staff, student, course, and scheduling records, directly from their Learning Management System (LMS). This guide walks you through how to fetch data from Moodle to openSIS and explains the types of records that can be retrieved.

Accessing LMS Data in openSIS

  1. Navigate to LMS: From the openSIS dashboard, go to the LMS section in the navigation menu.
  2. Get LMS Data: Select the Get LMS Data option, which allows you to fetch data from Moodle. There are several categories of data you can retrieve: staff, student, course, and scheduling information. Choose a required category and click on Retrieve Now.

1. Retrieving Staff Records from Moodle

When retrieving staff records from Moodle, there are two scenarios:

  • First-Time Retrieval: If you are retrieving staff for the first time, all staff records will be fetched from Moodle and added to openSIS.
  • Subsequent Retrieval: If you are retrieving staff records again, existing staff records in openSIS will be updated, and any new staff added in Moodle will be fetched and added to openSIS.

Note: In Moodle, users assigned as "teachers" will be fetched as staff in openSIS. The fields retrieved include:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Login Email Address
  • Phone

2. Retrieving Student Records from Moodle

Similarly, student records are also retrieved in two scenarios:

  • First-Time Retrieval: All student records will be fetched from Moodle and added to openSIS.
  • Subsequent Retrieval: Existing student records in openSIS will be updated, and new student records from Moodle will be added.

Note: In Moodle, users added as "students" will be fetched as students in openSIS. The following fields are retrieved:

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Login Email Address
  • Phone

3. Retrieving Course Information from Moodle

When you retrieve course data from Moodle, openSIS maps the following details:

  • Category: Fetched as Subject in openSIS.
  • Sub-Category: Fetched as Course.
  • Course Title: Fetched as the Course Section.
  • Course Start Date: Fetched as the Course Section Start Date in openSIS.

Only courses from the current academic year are fetched. The course sections retrieved from Moodle are treated as virtual classes by default, and the grade scale for these course sections will be set to numeric in openSIS.

4. Retrieving Staff Scheduling Data from Moodle

If both the course section and staff have already been fetched from Moodle, and they are associated with each other in Moodle, you can retrieve their scheduling data into openSIS.

This ensures that the correct timetable or schedule for the staff is aligned between Moodle and openSIS, allowing better course and teacher management.

5. Retrieving Student Scheduling Data from Moodle

Similar to staff scheduling, if the course section and student have already been fetched from Moodle, and they are associated with each other in Moodle, you can retrieve their scheduling records into openSIS. This will synchronize the students' schedules, ensuring that class times, attendance, and other critical details match across both systems.

6. Retrieving Historical Courses and Grades from Moodle

Courses that were started or created before the current academic year will be treated as historical records in openSIS. When fetching historical courses and grades from Moodle, the following details will be saved as historical data in openSIS:

  • Course Full Name: Fetched as Course Name in openSIS.
  • Course Short Name: Fetched as Course Code in openSIS.
  • Grade Percentage: Fetched from Moodle.
  • Letter Grade: Fetched from Moodle.

The default Grade Level Equivalent in openSIS will be set to the basic grade level of the school, but this can be changed later. In openSIS, historical grades require a Historical Marking Period; however, since Moodle does not include marking period information, the Year is extracted from the course start or creation date. For example, if the extracted year is 2021, the historical record will be saved in openSIS under the Historical Marking Period for the 2021 Full Year.

By integrating Moodle with openSIS, schools can ensure smooth data synchronization between their LMS and student information system. Whether it's staff, students, courses, or historical data, openSIS offers a simple and efficient way to fetch and manage these records. This streamlines processes such as scheduling, course management, and grade reporting, allowing for better collaboration and management across the two systems.

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