How to Set Graduation Requirements (Degree Audit) in openSIS

How to Set Graduation Requirements in openSIS

Graduation requirements are the specific criteria that students must meet to earn their diplomas, degrees, or certificates. These requirements ensure that students have successfully completed the necessary coursework and accumulated the required credits in various subjects.

In openSIS, setting up graduation requirements involves defining the degree programs offered by your institution and the associated course categories. This article will guide you through the steps to set up graduation requirements in openSIS.

Step 1: Accessing Graduation Requirements

To begin, navigate to the Settings section in openSIS. Under the Grades header, you will find the option labeled Graduation Requirements. This is where you will configure the degree programs and their associated course categories.

Step 2: Adding a Degree Program

A degree program in openSIS represents the diploma, degree, or certificate that students are working towards. To add a degree program, click on the gear icon. 

You will be prompted to input a program name. This name should reflect the degree or certificate, such as "High School Diploma," "Bachelor of Science," or "Certified Nursing Assistant."

Once you've added the program name, the degree program is created and ready for the next step.

Step 3: Adding Course Categories

Course categories represent the different areas of study or subjects that are part of the degree program. Each category requires a certain number of credit hours to be fulfilled by students. To add course categories, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Add Course Category button located at the top right-hand side of the Graduation Requirements page.
  2. Select the degree program for which you want to add the course category.
  3. Input the category name (e.g., "Mathematics," "Science," "Humanities") and specify the required credit hours for this category.

You can repeat this process to add multiple course categories under the same degree program or across different programs.

Step 4: Assigning Courses to Categories

When creating courses in openSIS, you will be asked to select the appropriate course category. This selection assigns the course to the corresponding category within the degree program.

As you add courses to categories, the number of courses assigned to each category is displayed in the Graduation Requirements section under Settings. This feature helps you track the courses that contribute to each category's credit hour requirements.

Step 5: Tracking Graduation Requirements

In the Graduation Requirements section, you can view the required graduation hours for each degree program. These hours are automatically calculated based on the course categories and their associated credit hours.

By following these steps, you can efficiently set up and manage graduation requirements in openSIS, ensuring that your students meet all necessary criteria to graduate from your institution.

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