How to take Missing Attendances for Teachers

How to take Missing Attendances for Teachers

If teachers have forgotten to take attendance for a day, missing attendance notification will be generated for the teachers and the administrator. On the administrator's dashboard there will be a missing attendance notification. Clicking on it will take the administrator to the list of teachers who have missing attendances.

A sample screenshot is given below. This screen can be accessed by the administrator by going to Attendance>>Missing Attendance menu also.

You can select any date range within the school year to find if there are any missing attendances. Once the list is generated, under the Actions menu, click on the timepiece icon to take view the periods with missing attendances.

Below is a sample screenshot of the list of individual periods were attendance was not taken by the teacher. Under the Take Attendance column, click on the icon to take attendance.

Once the attendance marking screen opens, take attendance as usual. Remember to click Submit to save the records.

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