How to View Graduation Progress (Degree Audit) of a Student in openSIS

How to View Graduation Progress of a Student in openSIS

Monitoring a student’s progress towards graduation is essential for ensuring that they meet all necessary requirements. openSIS provides a straightforward way to track this progress through its Graduation Progress Reports. Here’s how you can view and analyze a student’s graduation progress.

Step 1: Accessing Graduation Progress Reports

Start by navigating to the Reports section in openSIS. Under the Grades header, select Graduation Progress Reports. This option will bring up a list of students, each of whom is on a path towards graduation.

Step 2: Viewing the List of Students

After selecting Graduation Progress Reports, you’ll be shown a list of students. From here, you can choose any student to see their detailed graduation progress.

Step 3: Reviewing Individual Student Progress

Once you select a student, the system will display their progress across all the graduation categories defined for their degree program. This includes:

  • Required Credit Hours
  • Completed Credit Hours
  • Enrolled Credit Hours
  • Outstanding Credit Hours

You will also see an overall percentage of progress for the student, giving you a clear picture of how close they are to meeting their graduation requirements.

Step 4: Detailed View of Categories

For a more in-depth analysis, you can click on the detailed view of each category. This view breaks down the student’s progress in the specific courses under that category. You’ll be shown:

  • Required Credit Hours: The total credits needed for this category.
  • Completed Credit Hours: The credits the student has already earned.
  • Enrolled Credit Hours: The credits the student is currently working towards.
  • Outstanding Credit Hours: The remaining credits needed to fulfill the category’s requirements.

Additionally, an overall percentage of progress is displayed for each category, helping you assess whether the student is on track or if any intervention is needed.

Step 5: Utilizing the Graduation Progress Report

The Graduation Progress Report is a crucial tool for administrators and academic advisors. It provides a comprehensive overview of where each student stands in relation to their graduation goals. Regularly reviewing these reports ensures that students receive the guidance they need to complete their programs successfully.

By following these steps, you can effectively monitor and manage student graduation progress in openSIS, ensuring every student is on the right path to achieving their educational goals.

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