Teacher portal dashboard at a glance
This is the dashboard that you will see as a teacher when you log in. Before we start to navigate the dashboard let's start with the header.

In the header you will find the School Year that you can change according to the year you want to work with, and the Marking Period. Make sure you are on the correct marking period so that the class operations are recorded correctly.
On the right-hand side, you will see your Profile image and when clicked it will give you these three options:
- My account
- Change password
- Logout option
In the middle section of the screen, the following will be displayed:
- On the very top of the dashboard yo will see missing attendance notifications if you have any.
- Below that is a notification bar that signifies that you have ungraded assignments.
- Your classes will be listed as rectangular cards and will show today's classes first. You can click on all classes to see the classes you are scheduled. Clicking on any class card will take you to the class details.
- If the school has any notices to display, it will show on your dashboard.
- Mental health information is also displayed prominently on the dashboard.
- Lastly the school calendar will be displayed. If there are events scheduled for the month, it will be displayed on the calendar as dots and mousing over will show the details.
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