The full-day and half-day attendance minutes are auto calculated from the Settings>>School>>Periods setup screen. The total minutes are added to show full-day and divided by two to show half-day minutes. Users can edit the value to match the exact requirements.
Often, the Period times are required to be changed, or a new Period is added or even the half-day and the full-day minutes are adjusted. If you make any such changes, you have to recalculate the attendances so that student attendances are correct.
All above mentioned changes are made to this Period screen as given below, which can be accessed from Settings>>School>>Periods.
To recalculate daily attendance, login as an administrator and go to Attendance>>Recalculate Daily Attendance
Suppose you had changes to the Period setting on March 7, 2023, then you should make the new calculation retroactive from the beginning of this current Term that started on Jan 4th. Put the dates and click Recalculate Daily Attendance
While the system is recalculating the attendance records, it will display a screen like this. Once completed, you will get a confirmation message on screen.