Attendance Administration
What is the Significance of Recalculate Daily Attendance
The full-day and half-day attendance minutes are auto calculated from the Settings>>School>>Periods setup screen. The total minutes are added to show full-day and divided by two to show half-day minutes. Users can edit the value to match the exact ...
How to Override Attendance taken by a Teacher
Sometimes an administrator has to override attendance taken by a teacher. An example would be that a student was marked absent by the teacher, but the student was actually out sick and returned with a doctor's note. So the administrator had to go ...
How Admin can mark Attendance for Students before Teacher
Often the school Administrator has to mark student attendance before a teacher takes the attendance for a day. To do so, login as an admin and go to Attendance>>Add Absences Fill out the Attendance Category, Attendance Code and the Attendance Dates. ...