Course Setup
Add a Course Section
To create a Course Section, navigate to the Course. Click on the + Add New Course Section button. We will describe the form by part. Let's start with the top portion. By default, the Active toggle button will be turned on. You can turn it off if you ...
View and Print Course Catalog
Course catalog can be viewed and printed under courses. Navigate to Menu >> Course >> Course Catalog You can filter the course catalog by Marking Period, Subject, Course or Grade Level. Keeping the default value of "All" will display the course ...
Add a Course
You can create a Course from the quick create feature in the upper right-hand corner as well as navigate to the course manager menu on the sidebar. To create a new course click on '+ Add New Course' A data entry form will open where you need to fill: ...
Add a Program
The Course Manager allows you to associate a Program with the course. There is often a need for an institution to group subjects and courses within a Program. Especially the higher education institutions run multiple programs like BBA, MBA, BA, MA, ...
Add a Subject
The Course Manager allows you to associate a Subject with the course. Typically a course is within a subject. Example: A course Algebra is within the subject Mathematics. When you click on the Course Manager sidebar menu, you will see a screen like ...