End of school year operation - rollover.

End of School Year Processing - Rollover

Rollover is the functionality to move the school data from current school year to the next school year.  Once a school year is rolled over, students can be promoted to the next grade and failed students can be retained to the same grade level. Also all the users, courses, calendars get rolled over to the next year. When the current year is ending you will receive a message on the openSIS homepage "Rollover Required".

Remember that rollover is an irreversible process and must be performed by the Superadministrator at the end or towards the end of the current school year. Once rolled over, your school data cannot be reversed to its earlier state. Therefore, please use caution.

To rollover the school data go to Tools >> Rollover. Give the student re-enrollment date (meaning the date the students should be active in the next school year, which is also the attendance start date and is usually the first day of school for students), the marking period begin & end dates. If you have semesters and quarters defined for this school year, those marking periods will display automatically. You will have to provide the begin and end dates only.

Course sections do not rollover, since these depends on the dates and availability of teacher and rooms. So you have to create the course sections again. Teacher and Student schedules do not rollover either. You have to schedule the students and teachers into correct course sections in the new school year.

All other school items will rollover so you do not have to re-enter them.

Remember, you can do a premature rollover, meaning rolling over a school year before it actually ends. Schools often require to do this for planning purposes. If you perform a premature  rollover, you can flip back to the current school year and complete all operations like usual. You will be able to set up the next school year and schedule teachers and students into courses sections and provide them with schedules for the new school year.

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